Title Screen: Space = Play

A = Left
D = Right
W = Jump
S = Claim Chest Powerup
Space = Attack
U = Orange Dimension
I = Green Dimension
O = Blue Dimension
P = Red Dimension

In this game, your goal is to survive for as long as possible. Your sword unleashes a wave of energy that can destroy walls and kill slimes. You also have the ability to shift dimensions. In other dimensions, black slimes will change color to match. Both you and them will receive the following stat changes in each dimension:

ORANGE: Increased Jump Height, Increased Gravity, Decreased Defense

GREEN: Increased Speed, Increased Friction, Decreased Damage, Decreased Jump Height

BLUE: Increased Defense, Increased Knockback Resistance, Decreased Damage, Decreased Jump Height, Decreased Speed

RED: Increased Damage, Decreased Defense, Decreased Knockback

Once you kill 5 slimes, the door to the next room will open, and the path will be shown to you. You regain health when you pass through a door. Every 3 rooms, you will be given a choice between 3 powerups, linked to the dimensions and colors thereof. The likelihood of seeing a powerup of a specific color increases with the number of slimes you kill of that color. You will regain all health upon choosing a powerup, and the other 2 chests will close and lock. You can open them for additional powerups by using keys, which are found within levels. Keys have a distinct yellow glow and will ring louder the closer you get.

Powerups include:

REDIRECT POWER (BLACK): -10% damage in default dimension, +10% damage in other dimensions

AMBER SPRING (ORANGE): +10% jump height

CURSED SPRING (ORANGE): +20% jump height in orange dimension, - 20% jump height in other dimensions

SECOND WIND (ORANGE): adds double jump ability

VERDANT DASH (GREEN): +10% speed

CURSED DASH (GREEN): +20% speed in green dimension, -20% speed in other dimensions

STRIKE RUSH (GREEN): adds dash ability upon attacking

AZURE GUARD (BLUE): +10% defense

CURSED GUARD (BLUE): +20% defense in blue dimension, -20% defense in other dimensions

KNIGHT'S PARRY (BLUE): adds parry ability; take no damage while attacking

CRIMSON REND (RED): +10% damage

CURSED REND (RED): +20% damage in red dimension, -20% damage in other dimensions

GEMINI SLASH (RED): adds second attack wave behind player

This game was created for the (Not) Too Strict Jam #2, with the genre requirement of Roguelike, and the additional rule that Color Changes Everything.


Deck of Dimensions Windows 17 MB

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